
In conversation with an IQOS Coach - Franko

His name is Franko, but everyone knows him as the Boy with the Suitcases: one filled with clothes for his many travels, the other with the equipment to introduce the IQOS device.

Born in Korça, Franko was sure since a very young age that his studies would be related to economics. What was unfit with his personality was the restrictions of this field: fixed schedules and office work.

"Despite the field I chose to study, Finance & Accounting, I have always asked for another alternative in my work and my life. An experience beyond the ordinary and the predictable."

Since he had previous field experience, Franko naturally chose to be an IQOS Coach, a profession filled with many opportunities to travel. Being in contact with people and unexpected circumstances seem to be tailor-made for him!

No fixed working hours and freedom to create his own daily schedule, Franko enjoys every moment of being an IQOS Coach. He explains how even during his nights out with friends it’s hard for him not to talk about the benefits of the IQOS alternative every time he bumps into a cigarette smoker.

For Franko it has not been hard at all to introduce IQOS to the audience immediately after its entry in the Albanian market, giving that the majority of people had already been introduced to the revolutionary device abroad or through the Internet, and couldn’t wait to have it.
While I was training, I was getting messages such as “When it’s out?” or “I want it first!”.

Due to my young age and profile I always thought that my clients would be below 30. To my surprise it’s not like that at all! The users that have immediately embraced the IQOS alternative, in fact, are of very different ages! Of course, not below 18, as we implement very strict measures not to allow sale of IQOS to anyone who is underage.” – he says.

Franko tells us that the most common mistake people make is confusing IQOS for electronic cigarettes. “All you need is to consult with an IQOS Coach to understand that we’re talking about totally different products!” – he explains.

“Since I converted to IQOS, I believe the most notable and immediate change is not having an unpleasant smell on my clothes anymore. When I’d get back home, the moment I entered the building my mom would start yelling “Take off your clothes! They smell!” Only now I understand how right she was.” – Franko tells us, laughing.

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