
Extraordinary experiences with Together X!

All registered IQOS users that have interacted with IQOS brand during this year through MGM referral, accessory purchase, check ins in IQOS Zones, can log in their IQOS Club profile, and have the opportunity to retrieve the benefit and attend the "Olen Caesar & International Clandestine Orchestra" concert on 19th of April. 

But the surprises don't end there. 

Don't miss this opportunity to experience a symphony of pleasures at the Palace of Congresses. Visit the dedicated IQOS corner to discover the experiences reserved for you.

*Attention! The benefit is available in a limited number.

Follow us for the next events. 


Day 1 is today: Make the choice you need with IQOS
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Curiosity is only the beginning.
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What was new in the first smoke-free day?
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Day 1 starts now.
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More to discover with Services & Privileges
Care you can count on.

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Care you can count on
Access our personal coaches for support on how to get the best use from your IQOS. ​
Loyalty rewards
Earn points for member offers, device upgrades and exciting benefits.
Peace of mind
Accidental damage cover, rapid replacement and international assistance.